When I transferred from Sinclair Community College to Franklin University, I was told that I needed to take a basic of Flash class to start my Interactive Media Design degree. I had already been active in Flash, Silverlight, and Flex development for some time, and thought that there had to be a way to avoid such nonsense.
Interactive Media Design in Silverlight
I called my adviser and he informed me that if I wanted to by-pass having to take it I should talk with the chair. The chair informed me that if I could create something that could show that I understood the basics of creating web/software interactions I could get transfer credit for the class. So I went to work on this, you can click the image above to go to the Silverlight portfolio on alexsablan.info.
Over a weekend in July of 2011, I started brainstorming what I could make that could show a general knowledge of HCI. I decided I should show some “newer” technologies, when I say newer I should clarify that I mean more forward thinking than using xhtml/javascript. I figured I would have an interactive navigation linked to different examples of how Silverlight could be used for web authoring.
- On the home page:
- A user could click on the screen and a random picture would begin to bounce across the screen until it lost energy.
- In the portfolio section:
- For Web Design, I created a basic click and expand gallery of several of my web sites.
- For Interactive Design, I created a hangman game.
- For Photography, I created a thumbnail/master gallery.
- In the About section:
- For the bio, I created a simple biography page.
- For the contact, I created a form that would send a “get” post to my contact form at my info page.